Mejor que un trabajo real.
Eric Hanuise es fundador y editor de Flatlined Games, compañía de juegos de mesa con sede en Bélgica.
Con su propia editorial ha publicado un libro de ensayo (en inglés) titulado: Board game publisher (Editor de juegos de mesa).
The book explains the whole workflow of board game publishing, from reviewing designer prototypes to the finished games on the retailer’s shelves. Anyone interested in starting a game publishing business or in finding a job in the boardgame industry should find answers to their questions
The tabletop games market has never been as large and diversified as today, yet there are few books that focus on the business aspects of publishing tabletop games. In this book Eric Hanuise, founder of boardgames publisher Flatlined Games, shares his experience learned from years of publishing:
—The whole publication process, from the author's prototype to the finished game on the retailer's shelves
—The different jobs available in the industry
—Setting up your publishing company
—Contracts with authors and artists
—Manufacturing board games
—Safety and legal obligations
—Distribution and logistics
—Retail, direct sales and crowdfunding
—Fairs, conventions and events
Written by an actual publisher, this book will help you figure out the tabletop games industry. No matter whether you are just interested in how things work or you intend to set up your own board game publishing business, you will find answers to most of your questions here.
En portad tiene el sarcástico subtítulo de "better than a real job" -Mejor que un empleo de verdad.
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