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La editorial McFarland Press ha publicadop in libro (en inglés) sobre los modernos juegos de mesa.

Eurogames The Design, Culture and Play of Modern European Board Games



No es abundante - todavía - la bibliografía sobre juegos de mesa y muchísimo menos aún en castellano.

El autor de esta novedad es Stewart Woods, profesor de Comunicación e investigacor postdoctoral de la Universidad Western Australia. Puede comprarse en formato físico y en formato electrónico desde la web de la editora McFarland Press y en otras tiendas electrónicas.

Eurogames The Design, Culture and Play of Modern European Board Games

The Design, Culture and Play of Modern European Board Games

by Stewart Woods

About the Book
While board games can appear almost primitive in the digital age, eurogames--also known as German-style board games--have increased in popularity nearly concurrently with the rise of video games. Eurogames have simple rules and short playing times and emphasize strategy over luck and conflict.

This book examines the form of eurogames, the hobbyist culture that surrounds them, and the way that hobbyists experience the play of such games. It chronicles the evolution of tabletop hobby gaming and explores why hobbyists play them, how players balance competitive play with the demands of an intimate social gathering, and to what extent the social context of the game encounter shapes the playing experience. Combining history, cultural studies, leisure studies, ludology, and play theory, this innovative work highlights a popular alternative trend in the gaming community.

About the Author
Stewart Woods is an assistant professor of communication studies at the University of Western Australia and a postdoctoral research fellow at Curtin University.
Price: $40.00


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