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Concurso de creación de un tablero de CATAN.

CATAN 3D (2021)

Inkarnate es una herramienta informática para crear mapas y paisajes fantásticos.

Conjuntamente con la marca CATAN, se ha convocado un concurso de creación de mapas basados en el escenario Isla Pirata, que se incluirá en la próxima versión del juego CATAN 3D de Klaus Teuber:

We are partnering up with CATAN to bring you an exciting map contest, and a chance to win a CATAN – 3D Edition, as we visit the CATAN – 3D Expansion’s Pirate Island scenario.
Bring the scenario to life by creating a realistic representation of the pirate islands with the new beautiful CATAN inspired assets. (Clarification: "illustration of the expansion" is what we would like to see here, this is why we've added "realistic" to the wording. There is no need to follow the specific story or the layout of the islands behind the pirate islands scenario, this was just added as flavor text to inspir
The story behind the Pirate Islands Scenario: In the northwest, pirates have invaded the island kingdom of the Catanians. The battle-hardened sea robbers quickly sink the peaceful Catanians’ merchant ships and have captured the settlements on the western isles.
After expanding the captured settlements into fortresses, the pirates continued with their raids. Now they are threatening the eastern island. Time and again, they attack the coastal settlements with their fleet and rob valuable resources.
The Catanians have had enough and decide to build a navy to stop the audacious acts of the pirate fleet and drive them back into the open sea.

Free 3-week Inkarnate Pro coupon code: CATAN (Only for Free version users)

To submit your entry:
Add a Reddit post on our subreddit that includes your map. (Regional HD style)
Use the "CATAN Contest Entry" reddit flair in your post.
Publish your map on our platform and include a share link in the comments under your post.
Rules & Guidelines:
You must create your map with mainly our Regional HD style, incorporating the new Pirate pack.
You may only enter one map.
The map you post must be your own, created only using Inkarnate.
Your map may NOT include any custom or early access assets.
Your map may NOT include the word CATAN, or any logo/brand name on it.
Your map may NOT include any type of grid.
You may NOT use a cloned map (from other users).
You must include a share link of your map in the comments under your post. (you can do that by “publishing” your map on our platform). There is no requirement for the map to be cloneable. This helps us verify that the map is yours.
The most impressive entries may be featured by both CATAN and Inkarnate. By submitting your entry you agree to allow the CATAN team to feature your map.
Avoid resorting to tiles when creating the islands. Aim instead to represent them in a more realistic light of what these islands would really look like if they were real.
Contest entries will close on Wed Nov 23rd (11.59 pm PST). The Inkarnate team will pick the top entries. The community will pick the final winner and placements on discord. (only people belonging to the discord community can vote) The winner will be announced on Wed Nov 30th on our subreddit and discord.
The 1st placement will receive a physical copy of the CATAN – 3D boardgame and will have an extra year of Inkarnate Pro added to their account. Also, the winning entry will be featured on CATAN and Inkarnate media & get pinned on the Inkarnate subreddit for a week. Finally, they will receive a custom user flair on our subreddit.
The 2nd and 3rd finalists will get an extra year of Inkarnate Pro added to their accounts.

Thank you for participating in this contest. We look forward to seeing your entries!

The CATAN & Inkarnate teams

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